Terms and Conditions

Please note that during registration you are prompted to complete a form where your email address, phone number, physical address and id number is requested.
Giving details there that are not reachable to you, can result in you locking yourself out of your profile.
Due to social engineering attacks where people on the internet may try to impersonate you, our team will not take any instruction for any profile changes when the request comes from any point of contact that's not on the profile of the account holder. Also no passwords will be given to anyone other than the account holder as that would be a security breach. This is noted in our terms and conditions and the onus of adding business contacts to your profile is on the account holder to ensure that there are no disputes or unhappiness regarding access to domains and / or data.

1) If your phone number changed you need to have access to your email address or remember the password to our client area to gain access to your profile.
2) If your email address changed you need to contact the whatsapp support from the phone number on the profile to request an email address change.
3) If you have access to neither the phone number nor the email address, then you need to log a support request via our client area.
4) If you dont have either of these, not the phone number, not access to the email address, and not access to the profile of the account holder, then your very last hope would then be to do the following :
a) Supply a copy of your ID that matches the ID number supplied on the profile.
b) With proof of residence that matches the address on the profile of the account holder
c) With a police affidavit stating that your email address (supply the address) is unreachable to you and needs to change to (supply the new address). Also note there that the phone number on your profile (supply the old number) is unreachable to you and the new number is (supply the new number)
d) Lastly the copy of at least one proof of payment to the bundle and then we can update the profile with this document pack.

If you are unable to access any of these, then we don't know who you are and our security policy will then deny you access to the profile as we have no means left to identify you or establish if you have any reason to access the profile.

Account holders can add contacts to their profile to enable additional people to get communication and access their profile on their behalf.
You can also log a support request for an admin note to be added to your profile if you wish to request for a specific number / email address to be allowed to gain access to your profile. The request has to come from a point of contact on the profile. An external party can not request for contacts to be added to profiles. That is our security policy.

As part of our commitment to ensuring hosting security, we require all users to enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). This involves receiving SMS messages containing authentication codes. Alternatively, users may choose to use a QR code with an app such as Authy or Google Authenticator. SMS Notifications We reserve the right to send SMS reminders for overdue invoices to ensure timely payment and uninterrupted service.

We reserve the right to send SMS reminders for overdue invoices to ensure timely payment and uninterrupted service.

In order to provide a professional service, we have set up a few guidelines for users of our service. Some of these guidelines may seem strict, but they ensure a safe, functional, and trusted environment for all our customers to publish their information on the Web.. Many of our competitors do not require their customers to comply with these guidelines. If any of our potential customers are unwilling or unable to comply with these guidelines, we respectfully invite them to visit one of our competitors.

Due to fraud and identity theft we no longer vote on domain transfers.

All hosting service is due on the 1st of the month.
We invoice for hosting 2 weeks before due.
Domain renewal is invoiced 30 days before due.
We send 3 over due notices on the 2nd, 4th and 6th day.
Late fee is added on the 4th day. Suspension is on the 7th.
Webspacebar reserves the right to review prices at any time and will communicate these price changes via news letters, website posts and social media. We will endevor to ensure that when a price increase affects an existing service that the notice is given a month before the service is due at the new rate.
Any amount paid above the due amount will go towards your credit on your profile.
You also have the option to add funds to your profile from the credit area.
Note that the billing system will automatically deduct credit on your profile when new invoices are raised.
Credit on your profile will also be automatically assigned to overdue invoices to settle them. Services you have no need for must be cancelled before they are due.
Should you need any service to be terminated you should raise a support ticket before the billing system invoices you.
No refunds will be given for services automatically renewed out of credit, the onus is on you to terminate any services and/or products you no longer require.
If you have no services active and you still have credit on your profile you may raise a support ticket for remaining credit to be paid out to your bank account.

We do not allow any of the following content to be published on any of our servers: ° Content of a pornographic, sexually explicit, or adult nature. ° Content of an illegal nature (including copyrighted material). ° Scripting that utilizes more than 20% of a server or node's memory, storage, processing resource, I/O at any one time will result in a warning and may lead to having your account suspended. This is to ensure that the response time of the server does not degrade in such a manner to negatively affect anyone else using the same server. ° Hosted services that cause the general performance of our servers or nodes to degrade. ° Pirated software sites Hate sites or content that could be reasonably considered as slanderous or libellous The Web Space Bar representatives will decide upon content that is questionable regarding any of the aforementioned criteria. ° Users posting any of the above content on their sites may have their Web and/or incoming anonymous FTP services temporarily suspended. They will then be contacted by The Web Space Bar and given the opportunity to remove the content in question before having their services reinstated. A repeated offense may cause cancellation of service without refund of any fees.

The Web Space Bar does not support unsolicited or bulk email messages sent by users of our system (also known as junk email or SPAM). Users sending unsolicited or bulk email messages from our system will have a 24 mail stop from that mailbox. They will receive an automated notification informing them of the maximum amount of mail being relayed and no more mail will be relayed for that mailbox for 24 hours.

Customers caught using our system for illegal activities, including but not limited to breaking into remote systems, credit card fraud, theft, phishing, scams, vandalism, threats, or violence, will have their accounts immediately cancelled without refund of any fees.

The Web Space Bar reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. We enforce this policy to ensure a professional environment for the users of our system. This includes any programs, such as CGI programs that are using excessive amounts of system resources. Excessive amounts is defined as any amount that results in substantial degradation of server performance. The Web Space Bar is the sole determinant of what constitutes degraded server performance. On some occasions, we allow heavy usage depending on the situation. However, additional fees may apply. We do not condone the abuse of WebSpaceBar personnel . If a customer reverts to verbal abuse of any nature we reserve the right to refuse service to that customer.We reserve the right to terminate delivery of service at any stage, to a customer for any reason relating to abuse and/or non payment of invoices.

The Web Space Bar is committed to protecting your personal information and respecting your privacy. We will never sell, rent, or disclose your personally identifiable information to outside parties without your consent unless compelled by a court of law to do so. However we do reserve the right to disclose your requirement information (if you are a member) to industry professionals in order to get your job done if needed. We may send you e-mail regarding our new features, news, or other important update information. In any case, we will never disclose your personally identifiable information to third parties. We may use various methods to collect information including, cookies and/or IP addresses. Note however that information you enter during registration will be used to register the domain in your own name. Information you enter there will reflect on the domain whois information. On international domains you may opt to order ID Protection at an additional fee, which will hide certain fields on the domain whois itself. Local domains do not have this option available and your information will reflect on the domain. You must provide honest and true information during your signup to ensure that domain ownership disputes do not occur in the event you entered false information.

Where the content states: "We" includes The Web Space Bar or any party acting on The Web Space Bar's implicit instructions. "You" includes the person purchasing the services or any party acting on the customer's instructions. "Member" includes the purchaser of services or any party acting on the purchaser's instructions. "The Registrant" includes the person applying for a domain name or any party acting on the Registrant's instructions. "The Registry" refers to the relevant domain names Registry. "Server" means the computer server equipment in connection with the provision of the Services. "Web Site" means the area on the Server allocated by us to you for use by you as a site on the Internet. "Terms Of Service" includes this agreement. The Web Space Bar reserves the right to modify this policy at any time, effective immediately upon posting of the modification to this URL: http://www.webspacebar.co.za/terms.html. In consideration of the mutual covenants herein, the parties agree to the following, which shall apply during the term of this agreement:

Hosting is invoiced 2 weeks before due.
Hosting invoices are due on the first of the month.
Late fee applies on the 4th overdue date.
Unpaid hosting is suspended on the 7th overdue date.
Unpaid hosting that's left unpaid for 40 consecutive days is terminated.
Domains are invoiced 30 days before due.
Domain due dates are 7 days before expiration to give a week grace before the domain expires to ensure that we are able to send payment reminders before the domain expires.
Late fee is applied 3 days after an invoice is overdue. (The 4th day of the month as the invoice is due on the 1st).
6 Days after an invoice is due , a final overdue notice is sent out.
Suspension is on the 7th overdue date.
If the overdue invoice relates to a domain registration , the invoice will be cancelled and the domain in question will remain unpaid until such time that it becomes expired. Invoices that relate to unpaid web hosting will have a 1 month grace period before we terminate the website entirely.
There will be no restores done of the website in such time as the onus is on the website owner to settle the unpaid account during the 1 month grace period while the website is suspended.
The late fee will be applied to all overdue invoices that are 3 days past due.
A suspended website will only be unsuspended when all overdue invoices have been paid in full.
If a user takes longer than 1 month to settle an account we will not be held accountable for data loss due to the website being terminated.
In the event that we are requested to do a restore of a terminated site we will charge a fee to restore the terminated website if it is still on our backup tapes.
The restore will then only be done once the restore fee has been paid. This note is in the event of backups still being in retention.
As a rule we don't keep backups of terminated accounts in retention.

1.1 We make no representation that the domain name you wish to register is capable of being registered by or for you or that it will be registered in your name. You should therefore not assume registration of your requested domain name(s) until you have been notified that it has or they have been registered. Any action taken by you before such notification is at your risk.

1.2 The registration and use of your domain name is subject to the terms and conditions of use applied by the relevant naming authority; you shall ensure that you are aware of those terms and conditions and that you comply with them. You shall have no right to bring any claim against us in respect of refusal to register a domain name. Any administration charge paid by you to us shall be non-refundable notwithstanding refusal by the naming authority to register your desired name.

1.3 We shall have no liability in respect of the use by you of any domain name; any dispute between you and any other person must be resolved between the parties concerned in such dispute. If any such dispute arises, we shall be entitled, at our discretion and without giving any reason, to withhold, suspend or cancel the domain name. We shall also be entitled to make representations to the relevant naming authority but will not be obliged to take part in any such dispute.

1.4 We shall not release any domain to another provider unless full payment for that domain has been received by us.

1.5 Domain Registration and Domain Renewal payments are not refundable. Kindly confirm that spelling is correct. Please check your due invoice before payment is made.

1.6 Domains are invoiced 30 days before the due date to ensure domains don't expire in cases where people don't check their emails for a few weeks. Keep this in mind when you look at the next due date of a domain on the client area.
1.7 Domains will always be registered in the name of the person who ordered it. We don't register domains under our own name as that is illegal. You legally own the domain and your details will reflect on the domain itself. See the privacy policy for more information in regards to ID protection on international domains which may be ordered at an additional fee.

1.8 Domains that are not renewed in time can be restored for a restore fee 30 days after expiration. Costs differ depending on the tld of the domain name. Should you need the price to restore a specific domain please log a support ticket asking for the price. We dont keep a list of restore fees as the prices of especially international domains change on a daily basis due to the rand dollar exchange rate so it is not feasible to keep a list updated on a daily basis.

1.9 When a domain's ownership is updated either by the end user or by us per support request, that will result in the domain becoming locked for transfer for 60 days. Please be mindful of this as any requests to move the domain directly after a domain ownership update will fail due to that.

1.10 The co.za domain graveyard period is 7 days after expiration, the fee to restore an expired co.za domain after 7 days have lapsed is R600.

2.1 Web designers who host with us will at all times ensure that they scan themes and plugins aswell as templates to ensure that it does not contain malware. Website designers are responsible for ensuring that their websites are hardend against exploits and breaches and will not under any circumstances hold Webspacebar responsible for security holes left there by the designer and/or vendor. Webspacebar will not be held responsible for code used by website designers and you will indemnify us from any issues that might cause, including but not limited to : code containing malware, code linking to external websites or code that causes browser compatibility issues.

2.2 We make no representation and give no warranty as to the accuracy or quality of information received by any person via the Server and we shall have no liability for any loss or damage to any data stored on the Server.

2.3 You shall effect and maintain adequate insurance coverage in respect of any loss or damage to data stored on the Server.

2.4 You represent, undertake and warrant to us that you will use the Web Site allocated to you only for lawful purposes. In particular, you represent, warrant and undertake to us that:

2.4.1 you will not use the Server in any manner which infringes any law or regulation or which infringes the rights of any third part; nor will you authorize or permit any other person to do so.

2.4.2 you will not post, link to or transmit:

(a) any material which is unlawful, threatening, abusive, malicious, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, blasphemous, profane or otherwise objectionable as determined by The Web Space Bar in any way.

(b) any material containing a virus or other hostile computer program.

(c) any material which constitutes, or encourages the commission of a criminal offence, or which infringes any patent, trade mark, design right, copyright or any other intellectual property right or similar rights of any person which may subsist under the laws of any jurisdiction.

2.4.3 you will not send bulk email, whether opt-in or otherwise, from our network. Nor will you promote a site hosted on our network using bulk email.

2.4.4 you will not employ programs which consume excessive system resources including, but not limited to, processor cycles and memory. We do not host IRC, IRC bots, or other server resource intensive programs.

2.4.5 If you surpass your allotted disk/bandwidth usage as set forth in your purchased plan, you agree to purchase the excess in blocks as set forth in our "plans" section. Such payment to be immediate and non-disputable.

2.5.1 We reserve the right to remove any material which we deem inappropriate from your web site without notice. We do not host Warez, Underage Adult, Pornographic or MP3 content.

2.5.2 The packages with no disk space usage cap are intended for web hosting material and mailbox hosting only. It is not for cloud backups and / or storing large files. We reserve the right to remove those files and suspend the account if you are found guilty of using this service to consume an excessive amount of disk space. If your intent is to store non web design or email account data specific to this hosting account on this package, you need to look at the capped disk space packages and you will be afforded the oportunity to migrate to a capped disk space package at such time.

2.6 You shall keep secure any identification, password and other confidential information relating to your account and shall notify us immediately of any known or suspected unauthorized use of your account or breach of security, including loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of your password or other security information.

2.7 You shall observe the procedures which we may from time to time prescribe and shall make no use of the Server which is detrimental to our other customers.

2.8 Members utilizing free hosting shall exclude themselves from promotions offered and afforded to paying Members.

2.8.1 Members utilizing free hosting shall display a banner as supplied by The Web Space Bar.

2.9 You shall procure that all mail is sent in accordance with applicable legislation (including data protection legislation) and in a secure manner.

2.8.1 Sending unsolicited mail messages, including, without limitation, commercial advertising and informational announcements, is expressly prohibited. A Member shall not use another site's mail server to relay mail without the express permission of the site.

2.8.2 It is contrary to The Web Space Bar policy for Members to use our servers to effect or participate in any of the following activities: To post to any Usenet or other newsgroup, forum, e-mail mailing list or other similar group or list articles which are off-topic according to the charter or other owner-published FAQ or description of the group or list.

To send mass e-mailings; whether unsolicited, opt-in, or otherwise.

To engage in any of the foregoing activities using the service of another provider, but channeling such activities through a The Web Space Bar provided server, or using a The Web Space Bar provided server as a mail drop for responses.

To falsify user information provided to The Web Space Bar or to other users of the service in connection with use of a The Web Space Bar service.

2.9.2(a) Consequences of Violation:

When The Web Space Bar becomes aware of an alleged violation of its Acceptable Use Policy, The Web Space Bar will initiate an investigation. During the investigation The Web Space Bar may restrict Member's access in order to prevent further possible unauthorized activity. Depending on the severity of the violation, The Web Space Bar may, at its sole discretion, restrict, suspend, or terminate Member's account and/or pursue other civil remedies. If such violation is a criminal offense, The Web Space Bar will notify the appropriate law enforcement department of such violation.

2.9.2(b) You shall be held liable for any and all costs incurred by The Web Space Bar as a result of your violation of these terms and conditions. This is including, but is not limited to, attorney fees and costs resulting from Postmaster responses to complaints from and the cleanup of unsolicited commercial mailings and/or unauthorized bulk mailings and/or news server violations. The Web Space Bar's current hourly rate for Postmaster responses to complaints and cleanup of unsolicited commercial mailings and/or unauthorized bulk mailings and/or news server violations is R1000 per hour, with a minimum one (1) hour charge, plus R10 for each bulk-email or Usenet message sent, plus R10 per complaint received. Server maintenance fees of R850 per hour.

2.9.3 The Web Space Bar does not issue service credits for any outages incurred through service disablement resulting from Policy violations.

2.10 Any access to other networks connected to The Web Space Bar must comply with the rules appropriate for those other networks

2.11 While we will use every reasonable endeavor to ensure the integrity and security of the Server, we do not guarantee that the Server will be free from unauthorized users or hackers and we shall be under no liability for non-receipt or misrouting of email or for any other failure of email.

2.12 You may cancel the Services at any time by logging into the Ticket Desk Support System (for verification) and requesting cancellation of services.

3.1 We will make the Server and Services available to you at all times to the best of our efforts. However, we are not liable for interruptions or downtime of the Server.

3.2 We hereby assert our prerogative to temporarily or permanently cease provision of services without prior notification. This action may be taken in conformity with requisitions such as DMCA requests, non-remittance of service fees, instances of server abuse, and other issues not explicitly delineated herein.

3.3 Customers, resellers, or sub-clients must handle backups for their sites.

3.4 We may deny services/hosting without liability and do not provide compensation for network or server uptime.

3.5 The services and your account are non-transferable and exclusive to you. Only one login session per account is permitted simultaneously. Multiple accounts are restricted to one login session each. Any account transfer or activity violating these terms may lead to account cancellation and immediate termination of services and the agreement.

3.6 Uncapped disk space hosting packages are there for people who don't want a forced cap imposed. We shall how ever to the best of our ability ensure that there is at all times enough disk space within reasonable time. A user may not abuse the service by uploading excessive amounts of data , which will result in immediate cancellation of that user's account without refund.

3.7 We reserve the right to limit usage of the processor, memory, IO and storage per user to such an extent to avoid one person from causing server degradation for everyone else on the server.

3.8 Website backups are provided on a best-effort basis. If restoration from our backups is not possible, customers are expected to rely on their own website backups. We disclaim responsibility for any data loss or potential decline in website traffic if customers cannot recover from their own backups. Customers are urged to regularly backup their websites for emergency purposes.

3.9 For a site with ongoing database backup needs, customers should implement monitoring mechanisms to track data, sales, and other activities on database tables. This ensures the ability to address potential data loss in the event of a server outage, requiring restoration to a date preceding database changes, sales, or other traffic lost during the downtime.

4.1 All charges payable by you for the Services shall be in accordance with the scale of charges and rates published from time to time by us on our web site and shall be due and payable in advance of our service provision. We reserve the right to change pricing at any time although all pricing is guaranteed for the period of pre payment.

4.2 Payment is due each anniversary month, quarter or year following the date the Services were established until closure notice is given. If you choose to pay by credit or debit card you authorize The Web Space Bar to debit your account renewal fees from your card.

4.3 All payments must be in South African Rand.

4.4 If your check is returned by the bank as unpaid for any reason, you will be liable for a "returned check" charge of R450.
4.5 Without prejudice to our other rights and remedies under this Agreement, if any sum payable is not paid on or before the due date, we shall be entitled forthwith to suspend the provision of Services to you.

5.1 If you fail to pay any sums due to us as they fall due, we may suspend the Services and/or terminate this Agreement forthwith without notice to you.

5.2 If you break any of these terms and conditions we may suspend the Services and/or terminate this Agreement forthwith without notice to you.

5.3 If you are a company and you go into insolvent liquidation or suffer the appointment of an administrator or administrative receiver or enter into a voluntary arrangement with your creditors, we shall be entitled to suspend the Services and/or terminate this Agreement forthwith without notice to you.

5.4 No refunds will be made for Services suspended in accordance with 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3.

5.5 We reserve the right to suspend the Services and/or terminate this Agreement at any time. In the event of this You will a be entitled pro rata refund based upon the remaining period of membership.

5.6 You may cancel the Services at any time by logging into the Ticket Desk Support System (for verification) and requesting cancellation of services.

5.7 During the first 30 days of Services, You are entitled to a refund of fees paid with the exclusion of domain name registration, dedicated server, data transfer fees, and excessive support requests should you decide to cancel the Services for just cause. The Web Space Bar shall be the sole arbitrator as to the validity of your claim of just cause. And will subtract the aforementioned fees from any monies due you.

5.7.1 Partner Plans (Resellers) are eligible for above refund minus usage fees; if such use has been deemed excessive at the discretion of The Web Space Bar. Such accounts are often more resource intensive than standard shared hosting accounts and, therefore, do not qualify under our standard 30 day guarantee details.

5.7.2 You will not be entitled to a refund on these basis if you have previously had an account with The Web Space Bar under any plan or service.

5.7.3 Allow 30 (thirty) days for refund payments to process. If you have not received refund within this time allotment; please contact us.

5.8 Where payment has been made by credit or debit card, any refund will only be issued to the same credit or debit card.
5.9 On termination of this Agreement or suspension of the Services we shall be entitled immediately to block your Web Site and to remove all data located on it.

6.1 You shall indemnify us and keep us indemnified and hold us harmless from and against any breach by you of these terms of business and any claim brought against us by a third party resulting from the provision of Services by us to you and your use of the Services and the Server including, without limitation, all claims, actions, proceedings, losses, liabilities, damages, costs, expenses (including reasonable legal costs and expenses), howsoever suffered or incurred by us in consequences of your breach or non-observance of this Agreement.
6.2 You shall not hold us responsible for any data loss what so ever.
6.3 You agree that you will make your own backups of your website for us in the event that ours fail to be of use.
6.4 You indemnify us from any data loss or costs that may arise from downtime, service outage, data breaches or any other event that may lead to loss of income due to our services being un available.

7.1 All conditions, terms, representations and warranties relating to the Services supplied under this Agreement, whether imposed by statute or operation of law or otherwise, that are not expressly stated in these terms and conditions including, without limitation, the implied warranty of satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose are hereby excluded, subject always to sub clause.

7.2 Nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence.7.3 Our total aggregate liability to you for any claim in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise arising out of or in connection with the provision of the Services shall be limited to the charges paid by you in respect of the Services which are the subject of any such claim.

7.4 In any event no claim shall be brought unless you have notified us of the claim within one year of it arising.

7.5 In no event shall we be liable to you for any loss of business, contracts, profits or anticipated savings or for any other indirect or consequential or economic loss whatsoever.

7.6 You are responsible for monitoring bandwidth and disk space usage of your site. This is easily done from your Control Panel. If you go over the amount indicated in your current plan; you will assessed a surcharge as set forth in our pricing structure.

7.7 The onus is on the registrant to be aware at all times of the exact date of domain expiration by means of domain whois lookup and in the event that the domain expires due to non payment of domain renewal, shall not hold us liable for any loss of income of any other consequences caused by the domain's expiration. The purpose of this clause is to ensure that the registrant take responsibility for their domains to ensure that they know when they expire and that they be renewed before such time.

8.1 Any notice to be given by either party to the other may be sent by either email, whatsapp or recorded delivery to the address or phone number of the other party as appearing in this Agreement or ancillary application forms or such other address as such party may from time to time have communicated to the other in writing, and if sent by email shall unless the contrary is proved be deemed to be received on the day it was sent or if sent by fax shall be deemed to be served on receipt of an error free transmission report, or if sent by recorded delivery shall be deemed to be served two days following the date of posting. Invoices will be sent 16 days prior to due date , after which 3 over due notices will be sent directly 2, 4 and 6 days after due date of non payment. On the 4th day a late fee will be added to the notice if the invoice remains unpaid.

9.1 On our site you will find links to all the information to get your web site up and running. All information pertaining to your account should have been included in the Welcome Letter you received when we created your account. If you did not receive a welcome letter email, please contact our Support Team. There are several reasons an email may not reach you; first and foremost is if the domain you have contracted services for is the same domain your welcome email was sent to.

9.2 The support feature of our service at present time consists of our Support System solving server related problems only.

9.2.1 Our standard web hosting and reseller packages do not include web design support. If you require support for your web design, there are several online tutorials available we can help you find. You may purchase our web designer' services at the rate of R650 per hour, with one hour minimum billed. Website coding work done is final and any work required after the final draft is accepted will be charged for.

9.3 Support can only be addressed in English through our Support System.

9.4 All Support requests are to be processed through our Support System. Any other request for support, except as noted in Section 9.5, will be considered a breach of our Terms Of Service.

9.5 In the event of a server outage or other such emergency, you are free to contact us in any manner.

9.6 Section 9.7 will come into effect in extreme cases when staff are limited and / or there are connectivity problems preventing our support engineers from timely response below 24 hours.

9.7 Our support agreement with our customers is to respond to all queries within 72 hours or less , the customer will have the right to receive credit on their account in the event that we respond after 72 hours and the customer has attempted to contact support on several different occasions for the same ticket.

10.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with South African law You hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the South African courts.You are also to abide by the laws of U.S. and will be held accountable for your actions

11.1 Headings are included in this Agreement for convenience only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of this Agreement.

12.1 No one shall post defamatory, scandalous, or private information about a person without their consent, intentionally inflicting emotional distress, or violating trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights.

12.2 Any abuse towards any The Web Space Bar employee will not be tolerated. You are expected to request and respond to support and other issues in a professional manner. When emailing The Web Space Bar or utilizing the Ticket Desk Support System, refrain from using caps, exclamation points, and other forms of written yelling. Any cursing, yelling, or further intentional disruptive behavior aimed at The Web Space Bar or it's employees shall be considered a violation of these terms and conditions of service.

12.3 Any threat; whether verbally, orally, written, or delivered by second parties directed towards The Web Space Bar or any of it's employees, partners, equipment, and concerns shall be construed as a violation of these terms and conditions of service.

12.4 Any conduct viewed as violating this section shall be considered a violation of these terms and conditions of service. The Web Space Bar will be the sole arbitrator in regards to what is deemed a violation.

12.5 No refunds shall be given when the contents of this section necessitates removal of the account.

13.1 You may cancel the Services at any time by logging into the Ticket Desk Support System (for verification) and requesting cancellation of services.

14.1 These terms and conditions together with any documents expressly referred to in them, contain the entire Agreement between us relating to the subject matter covered and supersede any previous Agreements, arrangements, undertakings or proposals, written or oral: between us in relation to such matters. No oral explanation or oral information given by any party shall alter the interpretation of these terms and conditions. In agreeing to these terms and conditions, you have not relied on any representation other than those expressly stated in these terms and conditions and you agree that you shall have no remedy in respect of any misrepresentation which has not been made expressly in this Agreement.

14.2 The Web Space Bar reserves the right to amend these Terms Of Service at any time.

14.3 It is your responsibility to check these Terms of Service on occasion for any such amendments.

Resellers will not register domains under their own name for domains they do not own. Resellers will register domains in the name of the person(s) paying for the domain. Registering a domain in your own name if you do not legally own the domain is theft. On the client area, you will note the option to create contacts. Resellers will add a customer as a contact and then register the domain using that contact. Resellers are welcome to log a support ticket if they need assistance with this. Resellers not complying with this rule will have their accounts suspended until this is corrected. Customers finding that their resellers are not complying with this condition are welcome to open a support ticket with us to log an abuse complaint. If we find a reseller guilty of registering a domain in their own name, their account will be suspended and they will need to correct the domain registry information before suspension will be lifted.